Monday, July 26, 2010

3 tahun lagi sayang...

Semlm mama call, menenangkn hati yang gundah-gulana, terkeluarla dari mulut mama

'if nk bertunang, tunang la dulu' mama said

'serius ke ma bg bertunang' fath said

'iyer la.. buat kecil-kecil jer' mama said

Setahu saya mam saya tak bg lompat-lompat, mean kne tunggu kak long dulu la, tp, may be mama boleh menerima Fairul Farhan yang telah berjaya manghabiskan kesemua course paper degree dia, mean after practical nie, graduate la dia. Antara bende penting sebelum merangcang bertunag adalah pasal bajet. Iyer la buat kenduri Maulidul Rasul jer dh almost 6+++, nie kn nk bertunang kn. Maklum la saya nie kn baru jer berkerje and farhan baru nk cari kerje.

Bile mlm, jumpe farhan dan berniat untuk berdiskusi hal ini, you know what farhan said

'b, mama dah bg if kiter nk bertunang, tunagla' fath said

'aper u nie' farhan said

'iyer la, td mama call, dia ckp if nk bertunang dh bleh, i tel ma u dh lulus sume paper' fath said

'i xnk ckp la pasal nie, aper pn xder lagi, i baru nk kumpul harta, bagi la i masa' farhan said

'nak kumpul braper banyak' fath said

'bg la i senang skit, kawan-kawan i yang kawen almost after 3 year working' farhan said

'mean nk tgg lagi 3 tahun la nie eh?' fath said

Bile pk-pk balik mmg la mostly yang kawen tu dh keje arounf 3 year, tp ader jer yang x sampai 3 tahun lg dan aku bkn mintak nk kawen, tp nk bertunang, at least ader perasaan nk mengumpul wang and more confident he belongs to me.aku bkn la desprate nk kawen cume lbh baik ader ikatan, at least bile dia bwk aku pe memaner bleh introduce as tunang, esp event family. and x kesah la nk ikat braper lame pn.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

25th Fairul Farhan Birthday Celebration

Happy birthday Farhan, we celebrate his 25th birthday at Scrumptious Rest. at Jalan Yap Kuan Seng, KL. For me it really meaningfull, since this year 2nd tyme we celebrate together, i hope he can be in the goo way of his life. about 35 guess, all farhan friends (as we know farhan have alot of friends) come to celebrate the party, simple party more leisure. thanks alot to Qistina and BoBo as the host for that nite.

Farhan cut his birthday cake

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


After 3month working, i took 2 days leave, purposely nk siapkn my thesis writing, but dont know the result. but i still wake up like usually, but alot of leisure time. termenung2.. i dont know why i not really happy this work. but this is what i want to be. i should muhasabah diri and plan again what should or shouldnt i demand from my career. may be i forget about relation with people and the birokrasi of gov policy. Sincerly, mmg i pernah bertegang urat with my division manager, he never plan for my future work, sometime the task he ask me to do something i dont know the value, but i done it, still cant see the value. NOW really demotivated and i should fine the best way to re-motivated myself because i need to spend more than 30 years working here.

Always keep smile in every situation

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Love Horse!

Since incident jatuh kuda arie tu, still semangat lg nk pe riding, beside Tuesday, Sat n Sun i will make myself free, and go ride. Cume lepas jatuh nie, lbh byk beware... hahhaha... some improvement, but still a beginner. Hope can slim with this excersice... hauhauhua...

Bulleye and i, last sat. Credit to emma and cat for this Picture... Love it so much even still nmpk cubby.. huhuhuhu

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sukaneka@DNA labs

DNA Labotoraties Sdn.Bhd adalah company where kak long working, staf tak sure la brape ramai, tp my kak long nie suka sgt bwk adek dia pe join any event, and slalunyer wedding kwn2 dia.. dan kali nie dia membawa kami (Gurl n i) ke sukaneka ofis dia, Calvin, dr. wong and Penny, Names yang dh slalu dgr from kak long. There are Bosses. Dr. Wong sgt Hansome tpmc serius2 skit and Calvin Sgt Comel and kalakar nk mati.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Pak Itam..

Pakitam is my mother's brother,last last Saturday celebrated his 60th birthday. This uncle is very supportive uncle, he always proud of his anak sedara dia(both side). When we went to his house, his always tell story about his life, he is very smart worker. Commitment and energetic. Now he is a successful businessman. And he love to share his wealth with the family member. When my late grandmother alive, she also tell about this uncle. anyway, happy birthday pak itam, there many things i need to learn from you in order to success in my love. may Allah bless you.