Friday, September 16, 2011

Nuclear Malaysian Agency s' Eid Mubarak Celebration

Last Monday my office aka malaysian nuclear agency celebrated eid murabak. started with morning assembly and continue with stall style foods serve to all staffs. This is 2nd time for me celebrate eid murabak as nuclear researcher. As i will fly to Japan soon, i met a few of my colleagues who will fly to others place like Romania and Italy.

With my Lab Asst. Ayien and he also my junior during my secondary school

With Syahirah, Farhana and Zaredah from Nuclear Power Division

Red in the House. with Mr. Juha and Mr. Suhaimi

1 comment:

prinCess.prinCess said...

kak taya..baju biru tu hasnol nizam kan?..a.k.a kucing kan? glamour kat maahad dulu..hihi